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The One Year Mark of the Pandemic and Our Emotional Health

We are coming up to the year anniversary of the world-wide lockdown that will forever be remembered as the 2020 Pandemic.

As we come into this time, our emotional health continues to be of vital importance as we are faced with navigating the uncertain waters of Covid-19.

In order to best serve our mental health, we can:

  • Acknowledge the uncertainty. Sometimes we have no choice but to be comfortable with discomfort.

  • Use distraction. Once we have acknowledged that there is going to be a certain amount of unknown to what we are continuing to face, we can move to choosing activities that enhance our creativity, feed our comfort system, and soothe our senses.

  • Get outside daily. We need the sun on our face, the wind at our back and fresh air in our lungs to feel reset and refreshed.

  • Practice gratitude. Nothing grounds us more than counting our blessings. Begin writing in a gratitude journal or have every member in the household contributing to a gratitude jar. When we are consciously looking for what we are thankful for, it reminds us that joy is our birthright.

  • Stay connected. Continue to make this a priority by calling a friend or spending time with the people in your bubble. Make sure to reach out to those you know who live alone, arrange video chats. Start an online book club or organize a virtual game or craft night.

  • Create cozy. The space around us matters. Organize, purge, paint, re-decorate. Consider if your living space is a good reflection of your personality. Cozy it up or make it more colourful. Create an outdoor space that is inviting.

  • Ask for help. Recognizing when we are not doing well emotionally is the first step in starting to feel better. The second one is in asking for help; from a family member, a friend or a professional.

  • Streamline your social media. Cut down on news time. Make sure that your social media threads are positive and uplifting. What we digest can often influence our mood.

  • Remember that we are all in this together. Yes, we are ‘COVID-tired.’ But we are all in the same boat, navigating the stormy seas. It is only by working together will we enjoy the rewards of landing on the sandy shores.

If you are feeling in need of help, Renfrew County now has a free Virtual Walk in Clinic in which you will be able to talk to a counsellor. For more information:

Written by: Kristine Dewar, M.A., R.P., C.C.C.

You can check out and subscribe to Kristine's blog here. The purpose of the blog is to provide short, daily counsel on a variety of topics and interesting facts about mental health.

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